Our Leadership

Meet the leadership behind ExstoBio

Juan Carlos Pacheco, JD, MBA

Chief Executive Officer

Professional Experience: 


The Dr. Carlie Podcast


Join our growing team.

An active and rising award-winning start-up

Learn more about our activities and impact as a rising start up

Rankin Innovator Acceleration Award

“The Rankin Innovator Acceleration Award exemplifies the first-in-class opportunities at UNC for student bioentrepreneurs. I look forward to building a strong business foundation to complement my scientific studies under this generous award.” - David Lee

Inicio Ventures Award

Inicio Ventures Pitch Awards is a startup competition manager focused on showcasing and supporting Latinx-led ventures and regional startup ecosystems across the US.

Innovate Carolina 1789 Fund - Award Recipient

The Venture Catalyst Program is led by KickStart Venture Services in collaboration with Innovate Carolina. The program allows founders of UNC-affiliated startups and innovations to converge, collaborate and grow young companies with the support of talented graduate students and postdocs.

Launch Chapel Hill 3.0 Startup Accelerator

Launch Chapel Hill is a startup accelerator, co-working space and community of innovators that values and supports all people to encourage innovative thinking, individual empowerment, community outreach, economic development, and impactful change that lifts us all.

Venture Capital Investment Competition: VCIC

Global VCIC is the world's largest venture capital competition with over 120 university and graduate school teams competing.